Prof. Dr. Holger Kersten
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik


Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2003/2004

Einführung Kulturstudien
Introduction to Canadian Studies
Mo 13-15 h

This course is intended to provide a broad introductory overview of a number of issues that are important for a basic understanding of Canadian culture. The goal of this class is to provide students with a better knowledge of the nation, its people, and its regions. The topics will include the physical, historical, political, social, and cultural aspects of Canada. More specifically, the course will focus on both the unique regional aspects of the Canadian experience and the broad themes and questions that touch the lives of all Canadians. - Only students who are prepared to participate actively and to commit themselves to oral and written assignments should sign up for this class. Prospective participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with the general aspects of the subject. Study material will be made available by the beginning of term.

Einführung Literaturstudien
Critical Approaches to Literature
Di 11-13 h


This course is designed to introduce students of literature in English to major critical-interpretive perspectives. It will describe and demonstrate the critical tools needed for perceptive literary analysis. The class will address the effects of different social and cultural contexts on the nature of language and meaning, and the effects of cultural norms and assumptions on judgement. A major goal is to develop an understanding for the fact that literary interpretations will depend significantly upon the concept chosen to approach a given text. Moreover, the class hopes to demolish what seems to be a predominant assumption about studying literature, namely that literary texts can be fully understood by looking at an author's biography. Within this framework, the class will introduce students to a basic critical vocabulary, including appropriate terminology, for the analysis of literary texts. – Prospective participants are expected to buy their own copy of the textbook that is the basis of this class: Wilfred L. Guerin, Earle G. Labor, Lee Morgan, Jeanne C. Reesman, John R. Willingham, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, 4th edition, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

HS Literaturstudien
Stephen Crane
Di 9-11 h

When Stephen Crane died at the age of twenty-eight he left behind a surprisingly large body of literary work: A voluminous war reportage, over a hundred short stories, two books of poems, and six novels provide the basis for his reputation as one of the most gifted and influential writers of the late 19th century. This class will examine Crane's literary achievement by taking a closer look at a selection of what literary critics consider to be his best work. - Students wanting to sign up for this class should be familiar with the basic techniques of textual analysis. Moreover, they should be prepared to commit themselves to a number of reading and writing assignments. – Please note: To be admitted to this class, prospective participants must have read Maggie, The Red Badge of Courage, and "The Open Boat" by the beginning of term. You will only be admitted to this class if you pass the in-class reading quiz which has been designed to determine if you have a sufficient knowledge of the texts. It will be administered in the second week of classes.


HS Kulturstudien
National Images and Stereotypes: Germany and the USA
Mo 15-17 h
  The recent war against Iraq has led to an estrangement between the United States and Germany, two countries that in the past have had very good relations with one another. This situation seems to have revitalized old stereotypes that the two nations have of each other. It is the purpose of this course to develop an understanding of the basic processes involved in the emergence of national images, stereotypes, and prejudices, and to apply this knowledge to the relationship between the United States and Germany. This will be achieved by a study of the relevant psychological and sociological concepts, and it will include a look at various cultural manifestations from the recent and more distant past. – As usual, participants will have to complete a series of assignments, both oral and written, to receive credit for this class. Texts will be made available by the beginning of term.
  Version vom 30.08.2018