Prof. Dr. Holger Kersten
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik


Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2006/2007

Wenn Sie an einem meiner Kurse im Wintersemester 2006/2007 teilnehmen möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu meinem Moodle online-Forum:
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Proseminar Kulturstudien
Basic Issues in Intercultural Communication
Mo 15-17 h
  At a time when modern technology multiplies opportunities for encounters among members of different cultures, and when a global marketplace and the emergence of multicultural workplaces require communication skills that differ from the ones Germans use in their own culture, it becomes more important than ever to develop an awareness of the cultural differences that guide human behavior. This class is designed to introduce students to some basic concepts and principles that determine the success of intercultural interaction in a variety of contexts.

Only students who are prepared to participate actively and to commit themselves to a significant number of written assignments should sign up for this class. Prospective participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves in advance with the general aspects of the subject. Study material will be made available by the beginning of term.

HS Kulturstudien
"A Nation with the Soul of a Church": Religion in American Politics and Culture
Di 11-13 h


Briefly after George W. Bush entered the White House, political observers started to notice that religion began to play a more prominent role in American politics and culture. From Bush's personal views on life to the rhetoric of the Iraq War much of what happens at the highest level of American government seems to be infused by religious fervor. Despite religion's new visibility, the separation of church and state is seen as a very important American doctrine. This class will provide students with an opportunity to examine basic issues of religion in the United States, to explore the seeming contradictions arising from them, and to arrive at an enhanced understanding of the role of religion in politics, government and public life.

Students wishing to participate in this class must be willing to devote significant time and effort to preparatory reading. To obtain a “Schein” for this class, students will be required to work on weekly written assignments drawing on the full range of their academic skills. Prospective students are advised to acquaint themselves with the general aspects of the topic.

HS Literaturstudien
"To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" — Thoreau's Walden
Di 13-15 h

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), today recognized as one of the greatest writers in the United States, was passionate about leading a life that would refuse compromise. He believed that it was most important to live in the present moment, living "in each season as it passes," fully attuned to the rhythms and phenomena of nature. By inviting students to engage in an intensive reading of Thoreau's Walden and of the responses the book has stimulated over time, this course will attempt to illustrate why Thoreau has been variously described as "a philosopher seeking wisdom as a daily counselor and friend," as a "moral force speaking as a literary naturalist," and as "one of the masters of English prose."

To receive credit for this class, students are required to complete weekly written assignments involving the full range of their academic skills. To maximize the time available for analysis and discussion, it is important for students to have read Walden by the beginning of term. A reading quiz to check your familiarity with the text will be given in the second session. Students who fail this test cannot remain in this class.

Required text: Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Resistance to Civil Government, HG. William Rossi, New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 2. Auflage 1992. ISBN: 0-393-95905-8.

Place your order for the book ahead of time so that you have it when classes start in October. Make sure you get exactly this edition.

Nur für das Bachelorstudium Anglistische Kulturstudien
Einführung: Introduction to Literary Studies
Mo 13-15 h


This course is intended to introduce students in the B.A. program to the skills, practices and theories of literary study. It will include a survey of the formal conventions of major literary genres as well as an overview of concepts such as: relationships of literary texts to histories and cultures, the formation of canons, literary movements, and theoretical perspectives that inform literary analysis. For a “Studiennachweis” and to complete the module, you have to pass a final test comprising the three Introduction courses, and attend one of the tutorials regularly.

Prospective participants must be prepared to participate actively and to commit themselves to weekly reading and writing assignments. Study material will be made available by the beginning of term.

  Version vom 30.08.2018