im Wintersemester 2013/14
Sie an einem meiner Kurse im Wintersemester 2013/14
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Nur für das Bachelorstudium Anglistische
Kulturwissenschaft (Erstsemester)
Studiengang | Modul 1: Allgemeine Einführungen
Einführung: Introduction
to Cultural Studies (I)
Do 15:00 - 17:00, G40B-414
quite some time now "Cultural Studies" has been an intriguing
area of academic activity and is recognized as an important field
of study in English departments and elsewhere. This course is intended
to introduce students in the B.A. program to key concepts in cultural
studies and familiarize them with the social and theoretical histories
and contexts of the field. Study material will be made available
by the beginning of term.
a “Studiennachweis” and to complete the module, students
have to pass a final written test comprising the three mandatory
introductory courses, and attend the tutorial. Prospective participants
must be prepared to participate actively and to commit themselves
to weekly reading and writing assignments. To register for this
class, please go to
and use the link to the Moodle online forum.
B.A. Studiengang | Modul 9a: Spezialisierung
Women Writers and the Environment
13:00 - 15:00, G40B-416 |
participants must be prepared to participate actively in class and
to commit themselves to weekly reading and writing assignments.
register for this class, please go to
and use the link to the Moodle online platform. Reading material
will be made available by the beginning of term.
M.A. Studiengang | Modul 6: Communication
and the Media
The Press in America
13:00 - 15:00, G40B-227 |
participants must be prepared to participate actively in class and
to commit themselves to weekly reading and writing assignments.
Reading material will be made available by the beginning of term.
register for this class, please go to
and use the link to the Moodle online platform.
M.A. Studiengang | Modul 9: Methoden-
und Projektmodul
A Historical Perspective on Science
in the Media: A Research Project
11:00 - 13:00, G40B-416
requirements for this class include active participation, the regular
preparation of reading and writing assignments plus research and
reading outside of the course material. Specific reading material
will be made available by the beginning of term.
register for this class, please go to
and use the link to the Moodle online forum.